Your Art, Your Legacy: An Exclusive Competition with Dekkle and the Alzheimer’s Society
We’re excited to announce a competition offering three prizewinners the opportunity to preserve and showcase their artistic legacy as part of our collaboration with the Alzheimer’s Society.
This exclusive project centers around a tailored online viewing room, professionally designed to showcase the winners’ artwork. Each prize, valued at over £1000, includes no ongoing costs for web hosting, making it an exceptional opportunity for artists.
Prizewinners will receive:
- 20 professionally photographed artworks, with every intricate detail and vibrant color captured.
- A custom-made photographic book of their work to provide a lasting and tangible record of their achievements.
- A dedicated viewing page on our website, offering a unique platform to showcase their legacy.
Our team will visit the winners’ studios or homes to carefully collect and photograph their artwork before returning it safely.
With only three prizes available, this competition is designed to offer artists something truly meaningful and special.